Noise control is mainly referred to as the implementation of acoustic insulation systems in order to obtain sound pressure levels determined by the standards and resolutions imposed by the state in certain areas.
For noise control is used for example elements that divide enclosures or enclose the main sources of noise in a given space.
The behavior of sound waves will always change depending on the characteristics of the space (room, hall, auditorium, room, square, etc.) in which these waves move, therefore, it is important the acoustic conditioning of the space, depending on the intended use, seeking to obtain a homogeneous behavior of the sound in the place.
Once again, architecture and engineering work hand in hand to present the best proposals to each client, taking into account that each project is unique and that its technical specifications and aspirations must be adapted to the available spaces. Any space can be acoustically intervened, some examples can be: meeting rooms, classrooms, auditoriums, industries, recording studios, churches, theaters and even homes.
By means of specialized tools, ambient noise levels, acoustic insulation levels, reverberation times and resonance frequencies are evaluated.
By having a Semi-Anecoic chamber, more detailed studies of the acoustic behavior of different machines, musical instruments, speakers or various materials can be carried out.