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Industrial noise control - GEcolsa

A rigorous industrial noise control system has been implemented to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. Using advanced technologies and acoustic solutions, sound barriers and sound-absorbing panels have been installed strategically located in high noise emission areas.

Semi-anechoic chamber

The facility features a semi-anechoic chamber designed specifically for accurate acoustic measurements. This space is equipped with absorbent panels that minimize sound reflections, creating a controlled environment ideal for noise testing and materials evaluation. La cámara permite simular condiciones acústicas reales, facilitando análisis detallados de rendimiento sonoro. Gracias a su tecnología avanzada, es posible llevar a cabo investigaciones que contribuyen a mejorar la calidad acústica en diversos entornos, asegurando resultados confiables y de alta calidad.

Industrial noise control - Gensa

At Gensa, a comprehensive industrial noise control system has been implemented to mitigate the acoustic impact on the work and community environment. This system includes the installation of acoustic barriers and absorbent panels strategically located to reduce the spread of sound generated by machinery and operating processes.

Acoustic insulation - Bello WWTP

An acoustic insulation project has been carried out to reduce the noise generated by the treatment processes and operating machinery. Acoustic barriers and absorbent panels have been installed in key areas to minimise the transmission of sound to the outside and improve the acoustic comfort of operators. El sistema de aislamiento incluye el uso de materiales de alta eficacia que absorben el sonido y evitan la reverberación, contribuyendo a un ambiente de trabajo más seguro y saludable.